The Watcher Files

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Soul Scalping

Soul Scalping

by Sherry Shriner

The lizards or reptiles are in the last phase of their human domination plan of the End Game. They are soul scalping and replacing all humans at all top levels and secondary levels, even their families if necessary.

For instance (as in the case of someone I knew) they might get a visit from MIB's (Men in Black) during the middle of the day at their homes, or any time of day, or even work place and the MIB's grab them by the neck and face forcing their jaw to open and then they place a snake down their throat.

That is how they soul scalp people. This serpent possesses the human and takes over their brain and body and becomes that person. 

And that is how they do it. The reptilian aliens can transform and take the body of a small serpent snake to be placed inside a human body.

Yep, as the Most High showed me and told me about it, they take a slimy skinny snake, about 6-8 inches long, greyish in looks more like a long slimy worm, and open the person's mouth and stick it down their throat...something like this I found on Google images...

These reptile aliens work in groups. In true form most of them are over 6 "4". They watch and study the targeted person so they know all about them, and when they take over their brains and bodies they literally can act and become that person. They even do this to their kids so the kids don't make a fuss that something's wrong with mommy or daddy because something's just not right about them. They don't care about destroying the lives of children. They're all cold and heartless, unemotional reptiles with no thought of love, compassion or human emotions and sentiment. Those are emotions they have to learn to fake when they take over a human's body so they can blend in with society as a human.

In my book "Interview With The Devil" Lucifer had said they don't want any humans involved with the banking and they already dominated the politics. Now they are even going after secondary level people...such as CIA, NSA, any type of government or military spies, intelligence agents, advisors, analysts, directors, managers, along with anyone and everyone who has ever signed the dotted line for fortune and fame, or swore allegiance to Lucifer in the sisterhood or brotherhood. They are going after all of them and I had warned about this last year that this would become dominate for 2016. And it has. This year we are seeing their final touches on their control and domination. They have a list of all the people who are theirs and they are going through it!

The lizards who control the western nations, and all nations, don't want any humans involved with human affairs! They want everything controlled by them, thus we have reptile and cloned announcers, politicians, celebrities, lawyers, judges, athletes, anyone in a position of influence.

And they control every single aspect of the media and Hollywood. If you are a professional athlete or celebrity you have to be pre-approved to get interviewed on TV, sometimes you will hear reporters or announcers talking in the background, once I heard a desk analyst broadcaster telling a reporter on the field "he's been approved, you can talk to him" and the reporter then proceeded to interview a player about that particular football game. If a celebrity is being gossiped about whether good or bad (because all publicity is good to them) they have to be pre-approved. And only those who have signed the dotted line and sold their souls to Satan are approved.

Others have mentioned another type of scalping in which a lizard can take a piece or sheaf off the top of their head called a proboscis and put it into a host so they can embody and take over the host the same way a serpent does.

What they do is transform their entire being or conscious self into this proboscis and eject it off their head and then wiggle into the host, such as a human and they enter into a person's eye. If they have help the host's eyeball can be pulled out and this proboscis can be put into the back of the eye where it will then wiggle and spiral itself around the person's optical nerve and it also takes control of the person's brain as well. Donald Marshall talks about this. He's part of Lucifer's Disclosure Project where they are revealing all their methods, technology, and nefarious agendas to mankind.

When I asked Lucifer about this in my Interview With The Devil series and book he confirmed both types of these parasitic hosts that are used on humans. He also added that if a serpent is used as the parasite he himself can embody that serpent and take over that person's body. Which is why and how he can speak through Obama as much as he has. If you ever noticed.

This is a war folks. It's us against them. You can protect yourself from the lizards.

When I asked the Most High over a decade ago how we could destroy them, how we could tear down the strongholds of Satan and protect ourselves from them and their weapons being used against us He led me to Orgone and taught me how to make it. And you can hear in Lucifer's own words how much our Orgone has hurt, damaged, and destroyed him. It works folks!!  A lot of  people want to hate, debate, and gripe about my Orgone, meanwhile people are getting soul scalped around the world by the lizards we need to be fighting against. Stop fighting against me and start fighting against them! There isn't much time left for mankind.

***not all Orgone is the same. Most of the Orgone on the internet being sold as Orgone isn't even's just junk! Learn how to make it the way the Most High taught me how to make it because it's the only brand of Orgone that's destroying Lucifer and his lizards.


Tom Jacobs said...

AWESOME, Every Post you have Sherry is INCREDIBLE. Thank you for Sharing.

Unknown said...

yes thank you shazurazy